Lent is, in a sense, a season of yearning. The practices traditionally proposed by the Church (prayer, fasting and almsgiving) are designed to awaken desire for our Crucified and Risen Lord. The COVD-19 “wilderness” in which we currently find ourselves can, by God’s grace, serve us by intensifying this divine desire. May it. These past few days, I have been watching my parents’ cute, little, Yorkie, “Anouk.” This photo is of him looking out my office window. Would that I might be as focused, with every fiber of who I am, as I look for Christ in the many ways He comes to me, to us. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 20:22) Dominique Peridans
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May 2021
authorsThe Rev. Charles Hoffacker is a retired priest of the Diocese of Washington |