In seminary, we were often invited to ask ourselves, “How much am I living today in the light of eternal life, of heaven?” It is a sobering and hopeful question. It puts everything into perspective. It calms fears, relativizes trivial things, energizes tired relationships and enlightens complex situations. Living today, living every activity, every encounter, living my loneliness, my daydreaming, my discomfort with our current situation, in the light of the definitive encounter with the One Who is love, is the best—really, the only—way to live, the way that makes complete sense of my life.
In this brief video, the (105th) Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby (primary shepherd for us Episcopalians, for us Christians in the Anglican part of the one universal Christian Church), shares with us his faith. He movingly says “When I meet Jesus Christ at the judgment…what matters is that I loved Him and sought to follow Him and, above all, that I trusted in Him alone for my life and my future…” I invite you, today, to say to yourself something along these lines, “My Lord, the Love of my life, comes to me every day. And, there will be a day when He comes to take me definitively into His embrace. In the light of that encounter, of His embrace in which I want to be forever, I want to live this day.” Dominique Peridans
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May 2021
authorsThe Rev. Charles Hoffacker is a retired priest of the Diocese of Washington |